Pray for the Courts

Praying God's Word over all people within the court system

Kathleen’s Faith Walk Post

Kathleen’s Faith Walk
Walking by Faith in Jesus Christ,
spreading the Good News

Pray for the Courts – Part 1
Posted on June 25, 2016 by Kathleen

A courthouse can be a place of horrific emotion and stress.

There is an attorney in our community whose staff members pray daily for their firm’s clients. That attorney began to dream of a company of prayer warriors deployed daily in the courthouse to pray over every aspect of all court proceedings.

Daphne is one of those who comes to pray. Many people are distraught by their court situation and when she begins to pray, often tears begin to flow. Most will experience inner strength and a sense of peace.

She may simply stand in the hall holding her Bible. One lady asked, “Is that your Bible? Will you pray for me?”

Another time she was reading her Bible when a man came up and started telling her his problems.

“May I pray with you?” As she began to pray, the man suddenly broke down in tears. She has learned to carry a packet of tissues to share.

Daphne wears her “Pray for the Courts” badge and slowly walks up and down the halls with her Bible. When she sits with her Bible open, she often writes out an encouraging Bible verse or one of the Psalms on the back of her “Pray for the Courts” cards.

She might have the opportunity to interact with a person and say, “I just wrote out this Psalm from God’s Word. I’m asking God to put it in the right hands. I want to give you something tangible.”

Sometimes she sits in the courtroom with her Bible open and asks God to show her how to pray for the judge. She may even write a letter of blessing to a judge–sharing qualities she’s observed that make that judge a blessing to the community.

What about you? Have you ever considered spending time praying in your local courthouse? Would you?

My prayer for you this day: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26


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