Praying God's Word over all people within the court system
To Those Who Pray:
A specific note about prayer for the judges: Our intent and plan is to pray for God to uphold, support, and give wisdom to the judges. That said, NO ONE should be asking for harm to come to any judge. If, as an attorney or someone involved directly in a given court case, someone feels or believes a judge is finding wrongly in a specific case, the answer is PRAYER FOR WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING, for the ATTORNEY(S) and the JUDGE, and for COMPETENT EVIDENCE to be uncovered and presented to the court. The judge before which you find yourself is in authority over you by God’s appointment and blessing; honor that.
God loves to hear us pray His blessed scripture. Pray through the Word. Use the Psalms. Ask Him to direct your path through His Word and lead you to pray effectively and specifically, at His direction.
LORD, Jehovah, Elohim, El Elyon, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Shammah, El Shaddai, Your servant comes in the name of Jesus, by the authority of Christ our Savior and by the power of the Holy Spirit to petition and plead on behalf of the judges positioned on benches of authority across this land.
Lord, we continue to ask for Your Holy Spirit of conviction to brood over every judge in our local courts and in every court of America, until each one comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Save our judges, God our Redeemer.
According to Your word in Psalm 1, cause them to walk not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers. Lord, Your word declares that when a man refuses to do these things, You will bless that man. You will bless that judge, You will do the same for all who labor in Your courts. Judges,bailiffs, court recorders, secretaries, counsels.
Father God, Creator of all things, there is no limit to Your blessing if we listen and obey Your word. God, our Deliverer, our Rock, our Refuge, give those who labor in Your courts a delight in Your law, so they will hunger and thirst after Your knowledge and understanding. Give them a joy in meditating in Your law day and night.
You will make such a man or woman like a tree, firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever they do they prosper.
Not Against Flesh & Blood
Artwork courtesy of Lee Hodges
Pray God’s wisdom into the courts:
According to Your word Lord, we pray Your wisdom from above into our courts.
Cause all judgments to come through Your pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable & merciful wisdom.
James 3:17
Cause there to be no jealousy or selfish ambition to exist in counsel. Give no ground to disorder or any evil thing. James 3:16